Benefits of our digital intake solutions
Reduce data entry
No more keying in handwritten information. Patient intake data automatically populates the EHR and practice management system. Automated data entry saves time. There’s less room for error because your staff no longer needs to figure out patients’ handwriting.
Make patient encounters more productive
A more convenient and seamless pre-check process creates a more positive practice environment and helps make patient encounters more productive. Reduced data entry and better management of data frees your staff, nurses, and doctors to focus more on patient care.
New opportunities for your practice
By using digital intake options, you can help get patients more comfortable with communicating with your practice online. This opens the door to other opportunities such as online payments and virtual visits, creating new opportunities for care delivery and revenue.
Reduce no shows and phone volume
Your practice can configure and send out text or email appointment reminders and confirmations easily to reduce no-shows and phone volume. These messages may be in English or English/Spanish and can come with linked directions to the practice.
Minimize errors that result from scanning
Scanning forms into the EHR consumes time and increases the chance of errors. Patient intake data gathered online or during an in-office appointment through a digital pen goes directly into the EHR. This eliminates the need to scan.
A better patient and staff experience
Digital intake solutions are more convenient and make waiting rooms less crowded. The patient submits information from the comfort of their home. These solutions also help alleviate the burden of data collection and entry on your staff.